Monday 9 December 2019

The Tenants From Flat No #2 - Part 34

"You are overreacting too much.", he said. She could sense the panic in his voice. "I am not overreacting. I was just suggesting you about marriage. It looks like you are panicking at word of marriage.", she said with anger boiling inside her. She pushed him aside and got up from her bed. She stood with her hands folded and her back towards him.

He hit his head with his fist. Now he had to pacify her again. " How should I cool her down? If I say something, she will again take it in wrong way.", he wondered. "You guys are all the same. You say you love me. But when I asked you to hold my hand, you are shying away.", she said. He got up and stood behind her. He turned her toward him and stared down at her gloomy eyes.

"You don't look good when you sulk.", he said softly. She glared at him. "Your sweet words won't melt me now.", she said firmly. "I am always there for you. But marriage is something I haven't thought about.", he argued gently. "Why? Don't you want to marry me?", she asked. "Yes, I do! Maybe some day I will. But not now.", he said.

She walked out of the room. He followed her. Finally he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. "What happened to you? Why are you behaving like this?", he asked. "You know why.", she said sulkingly. He released her hand. "I am tired of this drama. I need fresh air.", he said. He banged the door while he walked out.

She didn't stop him. She was hurt. He walked aimlessly outside. His mind was absorbed into the fight. He wasn't against the thought of marriage. He wanted to marry her. But not like this. He wanted both families involved in their marriage. He didn't want to marry to prove to world. He wanted to marry her only because he loved her.

He came home. He found her engrossed in her phone. He tried to speak to her. She didn't speak. He left her to herself and got busy with his work. This followed for few days. No one spoke. They were held by their egos and misconceptions. Their love for each other was hidden by their pride.

(To  be continued)

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