Monday 17 February 2020

Their jinxed love - Part 16

Gaurav was furious. He hadn't expected Jenny to use a participant's emotions against him. He hadn't anything wrong. He had expressed his opinions. He trumped his fingers on the dressing table in front of him. While he was engrossed in deep thought, he didn't see Ruby entering his vanity van. She placed her hand gently on his shoulder. He quickly assumed it was Jenny and turned around in anger. He was about to raise his voice. He controlled after seeing Ruby in front of him.

He calmed down though there was still some anger within him. "I am sorry. I thought it was Jenny.", he said calmly. She smiled. "I thought so, you would mistaken me for her. It looks like you badly want to confront her.", she said while giggling momentarily. He was embarrassed. "I am sorry again.", he said as he smiled nervously. "I don't understand you. Sometimes you are fighting with her and sometimes you are showing lot of concern to her and you say you hate her. Is everything over between you and her or is it still there?", she spoke her heart out.

He was quiet for few minutes. He didn't understand what equation he shared with Jenny. He did love her once upon a time. But now he doesn't know what he feels for. "Why are you asking that? Do you want to be my girlfriend?", he joked. She playfully hit him. "You are such a flirt. Anyway, I have noticed something. I often see that when she supports someone , you counter attack that person. Even she does something. Is this a lover fight?", she asked.

His heart pricked. He had noticed that. He had also decided that he wouldn't react indifferently on anything Jenny spoke to give footage for Gajendra's show. But he had forgotten about that today. "Was it so visible? ", he asked. She nodded. "Oh shit ! I didn't expect it to go that way.", he said. "I understand what you said was valid but it affected the boy badly. You could have mellowed down with your criticism. It seemed like you didn't like Jenny hugging him and supporting him. You seemed like a possessive lover.", she spoke the truth. 

"Oh! I will try to be little mellow in my approach.", he said. Ruby smiled and changed the subject to friendly conversation. Jenny was almost outside Gaurav's vanity van when she heard giggles of Ruby and Gaurav. She was sad. She turned towards her vanity van. When she reached, she broke down. She felt strange. She didn't understand why she broke down. She thought she was got over the love she had for him that night. But seeing him moving on felt painful for her. 

Rohan found her crying inconsolably. He patted her gently. "What happened, Jenny ? Did you have another spat with Gaurav?", he asked. She nodded no. She wiped her face and said,"Let's get out of this place. It's unbearable here." He didn't ask anything and took her out after she changed into her casual clothes. They were at her favorite ice cream parlor. She was having chocolate chip sundae while he was having usual vanilla ice cream cone. When he found her relaxed, he asked ,"What happened?" "I don't know. I think I still have some feelings for Gaurav and it's killing me.", she said.

(To be continued)

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