Monday 7 September 2020

The Betrayal Story - Part 40

“What love can do to people? It blinded my sight and made me believe in illusions. But now my sight is clear after I killed the source of my misery.”, Rasheed said. “You know nothing about love. Your selfish motives and evil mind took away precious lives. You used your friend and discarded him when he was of no use to you. You speak of love when you can’t keep your friendship. You were never blinded by love but by power and greed. It amuses me that you don’t know the difference between love and greed.”, Amar said.

Rasheed smirked. “You think you know more about love. Then why did you throw her out to be preyed by vultures like me?”, he said. Guilt stung Amar’s heart. His eyes were bent down in remorse. “Aren’t we similar? You threw her after getting bored of her company and I killed her because she was of no use.”, Rasheed spoke.

Amar looked up in anger. Rasheed didn’t stop. He continued,” After killing her, I learnt that she was three months pregnant. Foolish girl ! She could have been prime queen of Rawalgarh if she had told me. But do you think I would let her stay alive after learning this?” “Never   “, he laughed.

Amar couldn’t control his anger anymore . He rushed towards Rasheed with  vengeance. Ratan and army watched in horror as their king headed towards the enemy in anger. 

Rasheed’s soldiers who intervened were killed. He watched his enemy in fear.  For the first time, he felt scared. His great warrior couldn’t stop him. 

Amar wasn’t just any jilted lover. He was a fearless warrior. He was unstoppable. As he reached Rasheed, he didn’t wait any longer to behead him. He roared like a lion in anger. Rasheed watched his end helplessly.

(To be continued)

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