Tuesday 3 February 2015

Summertime Sadness- Part 3

The love is one of the most difficult emotions that is hard to express and hide. It seeps through eyes of a lover for his beloved. He wished she could feel his sweet love. Was his love invisible for her to see? Did she pretend to play with his heart? No, it can't be. She may be bold but not too bold to manipulate with his heart.

He had two ways- either leave or be patient. His time was not up yet. Everything happened at right time. Now, it was too early for him to disclose his secret. He wasn't still sure that he wanted her though every part of his sould and body screamed out her name.

The dreams about her were like fairtale. They were not real. They would disappear as soon as sun rays touched his eyelids while the alarm woke him from the unrealistic imaginations. The most unrealistic dream he ever had was they sitting on the park, smiling at the past without the worries of the future. 

She hadn't spoken to him for few days. This was unlike her personality. She sat aloof, doing her work silently. Whenever he tried to say hi, her respone would only be a smile or she would ignore him completely. What was wrong with her? Did she get to know the truth? Will she distance herself from him?

Such questions pestered him like swarm of bees. They stung his heart. Everyday she would ignore him like as if he was nothing. Everyday he would break his heart by keeping hopes that one day she would come up to him and appologise for being nasty towards him. But that day never arrived. He was in state of losing hope and love had again disappointed him.

After some days, she was back to normal. She spoke to him as if nothing happened. His sorrowful heart was ready to forgive him. He still didn't understand what was wrong with her. He never forced her to share her heart. He was scared to lose her again. Love .. Relationships.. Everything complicated his life

(To be continued)

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