Thursday 26 February 2015

The Best WO(man)- Part 6

Fifteen days passed. I had no fool proof plan to disrupt their wedding. I was fed up trying to find ways. Whatever plans I made, it backfired majorly. It was like gods wanted this union to happen. Why can't they understand that Augustus life would be miserable if he was with her?

My heart was paining to see her charm my brother into a trap from where he would be doomed forever. I felt guilty that I couldn't save him. My whole day was spent on preparing manipulative plans that never executed due to various reasons.

I was getting restless. Nights were even more worse. I would wake up to nightmares of her terrorizing him to perform mediocre jobs while she sat like princess. 

As we walked through the park, I saw a dog. It was cute looking creature. It's eyes and furry features were enough to release my depressive mood. 

It bought me memories. Someone hated animals. It's mere presence would make her run away. What if I had bought in dog? A pet could do wonders that Nancy couldn't do it. She hated these furry creatures as she felt they weren't clean. 

During the evening, I coaxed Augustus to buy the pet. It was cute little Labrador named Buddy. Buddy and me became instantly friends. It now had role in my plan... to drive her out of his life.

(To be continued)

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