Wednesday 25 February 2015

The Best (WO)man- Part 5

Ah! Why have I not thought about this? I was sitting at the couch with my legs stretched while I flipped through their old pictures in his profile in social networking site. There was one girl in those pics who seemed to be too close to him. It looked like as if she would pounce on him any moment if she was left alone with him. Anyway, the idea didn't strike then. It struck me only when I had asked him who she was and Nikki refused to say who she was before he could say anything.

Wow! Her face was red when I showed her picture. She was miffed as usual. I was so used to her mood swings. But this was weird. It meant that she was possessive about him. Possessiveness can be dangerous in love. Perfect! I found my bait. I just need to execute it.

A hot chick could bring rain of misunderstanding to any relationship. It is proven fact. The girl in picture fitted this role. So I started researching about her. Internet has always been boon to modern age. Social networking was one of it's benefit that let me to the girl. I got the name of my bait- Nancy. Now was the time to execute the second part of my plan. I had to reach her.

I messaged her as Augustus's sister who was keen to host a party for his happiness. She instantly replied me and said she would definitely help me. Ah Nancy! I didn't know how I could thank her. I also got to know that she stayed few blocks away. I met her and we planned a party for him. During our discussion, I also got to know that she used to be Nikki's best friend. Due to darling Nancy's increasing popularity, Nikki had broken their 15 years of friendship. 

The weekend arrived and so did the party. Nikki and Augustus arrived home to bunch of old as well as new friends. It was all unexpected to them. The most surprising part was Nancy hugging and kissing Augustus. The fire had ignited again.I could see that Nikki didn't like it. Her grip on his arms grew tighter. She didn't leave him the whole party.

But it was a short lived happiness. The party was over. Nothing happened other than Nancy trying to flirt with Augustus. Unfortunately Ms sticky Nikki never left him. Every time Nancy touched him, Nikki would instantly brush her hand off. Nancy left after lot of trials. None of her attempts were responded by Augustus. He was truly, deeply and madly in love with Nikki.

(To be continued)

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