Monday 9 February 2015

Summertime Sadness- Part 6

Love is limitless but it wasn't in his case. She was limit to his love for her. If he told her, she might leave him. Now it was impossible for him to even forget what he had for her. Whenever he tried, his fear berated him as loser.

The rationale mind taunted him. How could he possible think that spilling out his feeling would heal his pain? How foolish he could be to think that it would be mend his heart? In a whole, it would break one and only true friendship he would treasure. But wouldn't it break him inside if he didn't tell the truth? He hadn't done any sin in loving her. If she was his true friend, she would understand his love.

It was now or never. He didn't care about the outcome. He knew the outcome would be terrible. He had made up his mind to say those words that won't affect their friendship. He had to be careful...very careful.

At last he disclosed the truth. He had found the right opportunity to speak to her. She was alone and no one was there to distract them. They were the only ones to leave her uncle's food station. " You know the reason of me leaving this place few days back? It was love.. It was love for you.. I love you but you don't love me that way. But it's okay. I can stay like this, cherishing our friendship.", she said. 

She was stunned and didn't want to believe. She always had doubt that he had crush on her. But she never took it seriously. She had liked him for his simple nature. She didn't feel bad when he had said that he loved her. But she still couldn't digest this fact.

She left him without saying a single word. She didn't look back. She stayed away from him. She needed time to accept it but she didn't tell him. He suffered due to her silence. He felt he made a sin for falling in love with her. 

(To be continued)

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