Thursday 12 March 2015

The Best (WO)man- Part 13

Oh my Gosh!! What I have done? When I came home, I saw the great Augustus crying. The only time I had seen him crying was when all my cousins had ignored him at the time when he was introduced by my uncle as his son. I saw him in same situation years ago and had promised myself that I would never let him break down. Now I had broken my promise. I had made him cry.

As I walked closer to him to console him, he had heard my footstep and rose up. He slowly wiped his tears while cautiously seeing whether I had not seen his tears. Well! I pretended as if I had not seen him cry.He was surprised to see me. I didn't ask him what had happened. Instead I let him ask me the question, " What happened? Why didn't you join Aunty?" " I have some errands to do. So I dropped her and stayed back.", I replied.

He looked at me suspiciously. I spoke suddenly to change his mind, " Don't worry! I will leave as soon as I am done. I won't burden you more." He nodded his head and smiled softly, " Don't say that! You are not burden to me. You are my darling child. You can stay here as long as you want" . I left him as I couldn't let the guilt tear me more.I started my mission. I hacked his mail ID as well as his social ID. I checked  social sites and his email whether there was any correspondence to her mail ID.

Unfortunately lot of time had been wasted in checking his social profile. He had been inactive since he had last proposed her for marriage. He had not even changed his status. The most startling part was that even she had not changed her status. This only meant that they were still in love. Oh lovely god! This also meant that there was golden chance that I could reunite them forever. 

I was happy again. Sometimes happiness can get doubled. But those times are very rare and that's why we call it as miracle. I was checking his mails and I saw one mail in draft. It was for her. Oh the words! They were filled with love. I reread it more than zillion times to make me believe he was still in love with her and wanted her back. It seemed that he was scared to send.  So this time I was playing the cupid. I sent it to her with little amendments made in the letter. I asked her to meet him if she still loved him. Before sending, I checked whether she was online. And she was online. A good sign that something will definitely happen

I waited for her response. Oh the wait! It is terrible. Now I understand how men feel when they desperately wait to get an answer from their prospective girlfriend or love. When they reply positively, it tends to add cherry to their effort of wooing the girl of their dreams. Well I felt the same now though I wasn't wooing anyone and I was not a man. Every single minute I refreshed the mailbox. I didn't want him to check his mailbox first. So I checked whether he was in the hall ,checking his mailbox. Fortunately he wasn't there. After fifteen terrible minutes, I received a mail from her.

(To be continued)

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