Tuesday 17 March 2015

The Best (WO)man- Part 15

They were talking in whispers. Soon the calm conversation turned into commotion. I could see both of them pointing fingers at each other or raising them in thin air. Something was not going right. I decided against my consciousness to stay back.

Everyone were looking at our table at those two fighting. I had prayed that it shouldn't go bad. But I didn't expect it to go worse like this. Oh I wish I hadn't brought them here. God! What should I do now? I ran towards them. I had to take charge of this issue.

My heart was beating faster as I came closer to them. I gulped and searched for my voice. I was scared to highest point. I thought if they met face to face at least once , they would sort it out in a matured way. They were fighting here. They were blaming each other and bringing in more misunderstanding between themselves.

" Please Nikki, I am sick and tired of your drama.  Leave us alone. We have come here to enjoy dinner. Please don't spoil that.", he said. " What do you mean? You called me .. You called me so that we could sort out our issues.", she said, surprised and angry at the same time.  He looked confused. "I called you?", he asked. I stepped in before things go worse to worst. " I invited her.", I said softly looking down. 

Both were shocked. " How dare you? You sent me the mail as Augustus.  What don you want now?  Aren't you happy separating us?", she asked coldly.  I could see the rage in her eyes. I tried to ignore them. " I am sorry. I love my brother. I didn't feel you were the one that he should be spending his life. But I have realised my mistake and I know that you guys love each other. Your mail said it all. If you weren't , then you would be spending more time in finding a new love for yourself.", I said.

Augustus walked out on us. He was mad at me.. mad at her too. I excused myself and followed him. When I was too close, I grabbed his hand. I begged for forgiveness. He pulled his hand out of my grip. He didn't listen and scolded me, " I am ashamed of you. Don't .. Don't ask for anything. Leave me alone"  I felt the pain in his voice and wished that I hadn't  intervened in his life.

(To be continued)

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