Thursday 19 March 2015

The Best (WO)man- Part 16

I reached home with heavy heart.  I was spending most of my time at my den in isolation. I refused to let anyone inside my room. Mum was worried. She had never seen me in state of helplessness and desperation. I was lost in world of despair.

Things were going normally around me. People who called themselves my friends resumed to their normal activities after they lost hope of bringing me back. However mum didn't stop. She would enter my room without heeding the warning sign that read- Don't step in, sleeping monster. And monster in me would constantly fight against her for getting out.

I was abnormal. I couldn't get out of grief or depression. I loathed myself for being immature.. for breaking a nest that was built with lot of love. How could I do this? Every time I thought about it, I repented on what I did. I would scold myself for doing it.

Everyone tried to cheer me up. But my heart was too shallow to feel happy again. I couldn't forgive myself for what I did. I was angry and sad. No one could make me normal again.

The day of redemption had arrived. It was a normal day for me. I was in my room, repenting as usual. I was in my own world of self destruction. I wished that I could replay those moments again and change it forever. But time doesn't belong to us, it is free spirit creating moments good and bad. 

I heard mum calling my name. I thought I was dreaming when I heard soft taps on my room. I didn't bother to open the door as I assumed that it was mum who was calling me for dinner. I had no appetite for food now and ever. "Kiddo! Wake up!", a voice called. It was the voice I had been waiting to hear so long. "Aren't you out of this jet leg thing? I am surprised that it has been a month and you are not over it.", a  satirical tone said and I realized who it was. But it didn't irritate me.

(To be continued)

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